We seek to be a loving community that supports all people in finding new life in Christ

About Us
Here at Loris First Baptist Church, OUR MISSION is to Make Disciples who Make Disciples who Follow and Act Like Jesus Christ.

Prayer Requests
Ask for Prayers or Take a Few Minutes to Pray for Others in Need.
We are a Southern Baptist Church associated with the South Carolina Baptist Convention and the Waccamaw Baptist Association. We want to share the Good News of Jesus Christ as Savior of the world by showing our community the love which God has bestowed upon us.
We are a local congregation of baptized believers with Jesus Christ as our head, committed to reaching our world for Jesus Christ through praying, giving, and missions. The ministries of our fellowship include worship, teaching, service, stewardship, and evangelism. The preaching of God’s Word is our guide and authority for life and living.
Click Here for the Baptist Faith & Message
Here at Loris FBC our mission is to spread the gospel throughout the world. We do this through our local and global mission projects. This includes local church planting as we partner with Rivers Edge Church Plant and Coastal School Ministries, along with United Christians for Arab Israel (UCAIM) a church plant in Israel.
Our Mission: Make disciples who make disciples who follow and act like Jesus Christ. (Matthew 4:18-20, 28:19-20)
Our primary function is to...
REACH THE LOST (Luke 19:10)
DISCIPLE THE FOUND (Matthew 28:19-20)
EQUIP THE DISCIPLED (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
(Matthew 9:37-38)
Every Wednesday at 6 PM we have a time of prayer and study the Word of God. If you are unable to attend in person, you can watch this Bible study on our YouTube Channel:
Pastor Shane's Bible Study
Join us each Wednesday at 6:00 PM as we explore the books of the Bible in depth.
“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15)
Grief Share Support Group meets Sundays 4 - 6 PM in Good News SS Classroom
To register: https://www.lorisfbc.com/grief-share-support-group/ or call the church office.
Discipleship Mentoring: Being “mentored” will help you understand what the “Disciplines of a Godly Man” (for men) or the “Disciplines of a Godly Woman” (for women) are. As you learn what these biblical mandated disciplines are, your mentor will help in guiding you to ways to implement these disciplines into your lives so that you know what to be thinking and doing to be more “Christ-like” in a non-Christian culture.